Here are the six best muscle building & strength training workout tips. Discovered from celebrity fitness trainers. Please note: consult with your physician prior to taking part in any exercise program. Each individual has their own specific medical history, and overall objectives.
1. Use Multi-Joint Exercises for Strength Training
You will want to incorporate weight lifting exercises that work more than one muscle group at a time. Two or more joints are moving throughout a particular strength training exercise. Performing an exercise like this will utilize a greater amount of muscle fibers, thus stimulating growth, as well as burning more calories. Also supplementing with legal steroids will help build muscle. Examples of such multi-joint exercises are the chest press, leg press, leg squat, pulldown, and shoulder press. These are all very effective exercises leading to greater muscle development.

2. Focus on Form Before Weight
While lifting weights, it is important to focus on form. Let the particular muscle do the work, not momentum, or other muscles you are not targeting. You goal is to fatigue a particular muscle to its absolute maximum. It is not important to impress someone else in the gym with the weights you are lifting. Focus on working the muscle!
3. Repetitions Should Be Slow and Controlled
Eliminating the external force, momentum, is the key. Once again, let the targeted muscle do the work, and nothing else. Zone in on that particular muscle. You should concentrate on moving the weight using a cadence of two seconds positive motion, and four seconds back (negative). Please remember, this is weight lifting, not weight throwing.
4. Proper Rest Between Strength Training Workouts Is Critical
Make sure your weight training workouts are high enough in intensity to stimulate muscle tissue growth, and have the proper rest between workouts to allow this growth to occur. The average amount of rest between workouts is 2-10+ days depending upon the intensity level. You shouldn’t feel tired, and sore before your next workout, but eager to conquer the weights.
5. Don’t Do Too Many Sets
Too many sets will put you in an over-trained zone. All you need is one, all out, set to momentary muscle failure in order to stimulate muscle growth. While anything more is counter productive. However, light warm up sets are fine, and necessary.
6. Track Your Progress
Without tracking your strength training workouts you will not know where you are, and where you need to go. Be a mad scientist and track your workouts. The information you gather will tell you more about yourself than a muscle magazine will.
Furthermore, for the most effective, efficient weight training workout, then follow these six simple tips to maximum muscle development.