KSI vs Logan Paul- What supplements did they use?




KSI vs Logan Paul

What muscle building supplements could the YouTube use to get fight ready?


Dbol was not always a legal steroid supplement. In fact it once contained an ingredient called methandrostenolone, only available by prescription. Today however, “DIANDROBOL” sold as an OTC, pharmaceutical grade, dietary supplement. In just the past few years many legal anabolic supplements became available. You may find products online like D-Ball, D-BOL, D-Anobol and Dianibol. All great products while not only safe, but 100% legal.


Testosterone builds muscle and burns fat. If you want Gains of 5-10 lbs of high quality muscle in 30 Days or less, along with drastic fat loss, than Anadroll is a good choice for you. Muscle Labs Anadroll is a muscle building supplement that uses testosterone to promote it’s anabolic activity. If you want Dense-Rock Hard Muscular improvement, fast gains in strength and high quality fat loss, than Anadroll is a great choice. Weight Gains are very mild, but muscle density and strength increases will be noticeable pretty quick !