Anabolic steroid use

Anabolic Steroid Use

The good effects of Anabolic steroids are not the subject of controversy but it is the hazard of taking them without medical approval.

Anabolic steroid, proven by users to bring hyper-action in sports. Workouts or any events that require endurance to prolonged activity. Champions in sports and well-known bodybuilders. Not denying  in constant use of these prohibited drugs. They also admitting, impossible for them to excel in major competitions if they do not take Anabolic steroids. True enough, because no user so far has testified that the use of Anabolic steroids did not contribute anything to their body.

With continuous dosage, they can see strong, grown up muscles and prolonged virility in whatever form of physical activity they indulge in. The question is, Anabolic steroids have been found to cause a lot of side effects to the user and could even endanger life. Some of these are transparent while others are internal. They remain undetected for a number of years until they become chronic and can no longer be treated. Some of the bad effects to men are infertility, impotence, testicles shrinkage and painful urinating.

On the part of the women, they experience facial and body hair growth. Change in voice pitch, breast masculinity and abnormal menstrual cycle periods. Bloated muscles effect on both men and women. High blood and cholesterol levels, acne, increase in weight. Heart disease and weak tendons. Aside from serious physical effect, Anabolic Steroids also cause psychological disorders and addiction. Users felt difficulty in complete withdrawal from the use of these boosters.

Worst Case

It brings tremendous pain when they attempt to withdraw. Feeling complete relief and comfort dose is resumed. Anabolic Steroids can be taken orally or as injectable. Therefore, when  injected, there is the risk of transmitting the disease. Using the same needle. In worst situation, the disease transmitted can be HIV. In the natural cycle, healthy males can have not more than 10 milligrams of testosterone per day and lesser for women.

But in the process, there are those who take Anabolic steroid. Higher quantity to augment the natural flow of testosterone to gain the benefits faster.

Alternatives to Anabolic Steroids

Safe and legal, alternatives to steroids, like legal steroids.  No ill side effects and completely safe on your system. Achieving the same results you get with anabolic steroid, but safe and legal.